Thank GOD for Memories

Do what GOD called us to do. Sounds so easy... I remember having nothing better  to do but sit outside with granddad. So boring, I thought. At times having nothing more to do and certainly nothing more was expected of me. I need a job, I would think. Surely my job would be me doing what Mary Tyler Moore did on TV. At some point I'd toss my hat in the air. Day dreams to say the least. So boring, I thought.

Funny how life changes. I cannot count the number of times, this past year (alone) that I've wished I could go back and do that very thing...Sit with granddad in the yard, looking at and listening to the wind move through the leaves and branches of the trees, in Gould, Arkansas. Great path to be on and a bad path to get off.

Thank GOD for the memories because GOD's grace allowed those memories to bring such peace, in the midst of a storm, in my life.



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