
Thank You!

Hello! Thank you everyone for buying, reading, and sharing my book. Soon I will be transcribing a series of poems that I wrote in my twenties. I was not able to get them published back then. With the release of my book and this new found freedom of expression (that I put on the back burner, for years) I figure "why not share all those poems on my blog".

Read About my Encounter With the Holy Spirit

 Check my book out on Thank God for blessing me to be brave and courageous. Without Him I would have never been brave enough to let anyone read my journal. Hello Beautiful Beauty! I've been busy transcribing my journal that I kept during cancer treatments into a book. My hope is to remind and assure everyone about Emmanuel. God with us. Although at times I could not see Him or feel His presence, there were other times that I was allowed to know that I was not alone. I don't know why I had to go through all that but I do know that I was visited by the Holy Spirit. It is very hard to describe what all went on but please never doubt that God is with us. Every pain and every joy and every second of our lives we are never alone. Emmanuel God with us.

New Beginnings

Happy New Beginnings Beautiful Beauty! This is the year of Jubilee. This year will be a season of celebration. I am believing God for more love, service, and increase. Let's celebrate! Happy New Year Beautiful Beauty! 

Merry Christmas Beautiful Beauty

Christmas is a time for family to come together. No matter if the gifts are shiny or new, expensive or frugal, it's time to enjoy hearing the voices of our loved ones, (all) under the same roof. It's a time for good food and family slumber parties. It's a time to make fun memories that will make us smile when we reminisce. It's a time to remember the reason why we celebrate. We have all been offered eternal life because of Jesus. Merry Christmas Beautiful Beauty!


From Joy to Joy Inside there is joy There is a freedom from circumstance Joy comes from God to the God in us Remember our creator We have joy  

Perfect JOB

    What if we never started a job that wasn't designed just for us? What if we all were paid for a job that we would do for free? What if we ALL were paid well for our work? What if?